
Front End Web Developer (11/2019 - Present)

Freelancer - Self Employed

Develop protfolios, static websites, templates, web apps ...etc

Graduation internship (09/2018 - O7/2019)

LMCS - ESI-Alger & Csail-MIT-USA laboratories

Propose a model based on neural networks to predict best unrolling factor in Tiramisu Compiler

Internship (07/2018 - 09/2018)

ATM Mobilis, Algiers

Creating a recovery and registration management system web application using laravel,redux ...etc

Other experiences

  • Developing a portfolio for Oxbridge a company of consulting (03/2O20 - Present): using HTML, CSS, js, bootstrap4, sass
  • Trivia API (02/2O20): As a part of Udacity nanodegree program of full-stack web development, I implemented this API with python and flask, which allow those functionalities: display questions, delete them, add one, search for a question, play the quiz game. I developed many other applications with python and flask using SQL and Data Modeling, CRUD, Routing, API, Identity and Access Management, Server deployment ...etc. All the developed applications are available in my account on Github
  • Flowers Classifier (03/2020): As a part Udacity nanodegree program of AI programming with python, I developed an Image classifier using PyTorch to recognize different species of flowers. The classifier can be also run as a command-line application
  • THARWA (02/2018 – 06/2018): As part of a multidisciplinary project, we worked on a group of 6 members to develop a 100% web/mobile banking system (THARWA). The app integrates a web client for bankers and managers and a mobile application for customers and employers. The used tools were: Angular JS, Kotlin, Laravel, Git, Rest API, Trello, Kanban.
  • Mini Compiler (11/2017 – 01/2018) Mini Compiler to evaluate mathematical expressions, generate intermediate codes and so realization of the interpreter to this intermediate's code
  • Other projects (templates, web apps, Neural Networks ... etc) are in my GitHub account. The technologies used were: HTML, CSS, js, jquery, sass, bootstap4, react, python, flask, SQL,karass, PyTorch in most of them.


Front End Dev, React (10/2019 - Present)

Udemy, Edyoda, Pluralsight, Edx, Coursera

Learn everything related to Front End Web Dev from different excellent resources

Full Stack Web Dev (01/2020 - Present)


From this program, I have learned how to create a server-side, data-driven web application that supports any front-end and can scale to support hundreds of thousands of users. I have been able through this program to design and build databases for software applications, create and deploy database-backed web APIs, and secure and manage user authentication and access control for an application backend. I am also learning how to deploy a Flask-based web application to the cloud using Docker and Kubernetes

Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (11/2019 – 01/2020)


Through Data Science I have learned the programming fundamentals required for a career in data science. By the end of the program, I have been able to use Python, SQL, Command-Line, and Git. And though AI Programming with Python, I have learned Python, NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib, PyTorch, Calculus, and Linear Algebra—the foundations for building your neural network

Computer science and software engineering (09/2014 – 07/2019)

École Nationale Supérieure de L'informatique (ESI ex: INI), Algiers, Algeria


web development, web design: HTML, CSS, js, jquery, sass, bootstrap, flask, react, git

Programming Languages: C, Java, Python, SQL, PostgreSQL, Mysql, Android, Laravel, Keras, PyTorch

Computer skills: Windows, Linux, CLI, Microsoft tools

Soft Skills: Communication, Public Speaking, TeamWork


Programming for Data Science for Enterprise (Udacity)

Aritifical Intelligence (Udacity)

Other Certificates (Udemy, One Million Coders, SoloLearn ...etc)


Kids Can Code: 100 Smiles Event (04/2019)

The event aims to teach 100 Orphans Scratch language

UNICEF Innovation Lab (2016 – 2017)

Development team leader and mobile app developer for the implementation of "Bessma" (Smile): An application to help autistic children. The realization was followed by specialist doctors


GDG-Algiers (2017 - Present)

Volunteer, Facilitator & Event Organizer

Code & Share (2018 – Present)

Volunteer, Speaker and Event Organizer

Tissemsilt Reads Association (2019 – Present)

Volunteer, Project Manager, Speaker and Event Organizer

Wiki Stage Tissemsilt (2020 – Present)

Volunteer, Event Organizer


Manage some Facebook Pages and Groups: DZ Inventors , DZ Programmers , Bibloania Elma3ali

INJAZ El Djazair (2016-2017): Junior entrepreneur training


Tamazight, Arabic

English, French

Spanish, Turkish


Web dev/design, UI & UX design, Data Science & AI, Robotic, Reading, Writing, Video Editing, Soft Skills, Languages & Cultures, Volunteer, Social Activities, Sport, Music.