I am a software engineer passionate by web development, data science, and Artificial Intelligence. I am self fast learner. I enjoy coding for hours and solve errors. I love challenges, learn, and work with others as well.
Freelancer - Self Employed
Develop protfolios, static websites, templates, web apps ...etc
LMCS - ESI-Alger & Csail-MIT-USA laboratories
Propose a model based on neural networks to predict best unrolling factor in Tiramisu Compiler
ATM Mobilis, Algiers
Creating a recovery and registration management system web application using laravel,redux ...etc
Udemy, Edyoda, Pluralsight, Edx, Coursera
Learn everything related to Front End Web Dev from different excellent resources
From this program, I have learned how to create a server-side, data-driven web application that supports any front-end and can scale to support hundreds of thousands of users. I have been able through this program to design and build databases for software applications, create and deploy database-backed web APIs, and secure and manage user authentication and access control for an application backend. I am also learning how to deploy a Flask-based web application to the cloud using Docker and Kubernetes
Through Data Science I have learned the programming fundamentals required for a career in data science. By the end of the program, I have been able to use Python, SQL, Command-Line, and Git. And though AI Programming with Python, I have learned Python, NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib, PyTorch, Calculus, and Linear Algebra—the foundations for building your neural network
École Nationale Supérieure de L'informatique (ESI ex: INI), Algiers, Algeria
web development, web design: HTML, CSS, js, jquery, sass, bootstrap, flask, react, git
Programming Languages: C, Java, Python, SQL, PostgreSQL, Mysql, Android, Laravel, Keras, PyTorch
Computer skills: Windows, Linux, CLI, Microsoft tools
Soft Skills: Communication, Public Speaking, TeamWork
Tamazight, Arabic
English, French
Spanish, Turkish
Web dev/design, UI & UX design, Data Science & AI, Robotic, Reading, Writing, Video Editing, Soft Skills, Languages & Cultures, Volunteer, Social Activities, Sport, Music.